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Longest Running Distance! (23.1km)

3 minute read

I did it! My longest running distance ever! And it was about time. I keep telling stories to everyone about how running saved my life, how I became a long-distance runner, how cool it is to have a healthy life full of adrenaline, etc. Yet, in reality, when was the last time I ran more than 20 km in one session? Must have been about a year ago. Now, I do believe in all things I mentioned before, and I do keep my running routine sacred. There is hardly a week without at least two 10K sessions, sometimes mo...

My 5-Minute GDPR Explanation

4 minute read

Disclaimer: this post expresses my personal opinion, which might not necessarily match the ones of past and current employers, clients, or business partners. It is also subjective and might contain assumptions which are factually not correct. Please, always refer to the official documentation, and let me know if I need to add corrections.

Platform Types in Kotlin

2 minute read

Having worked a bit with Kotlin, I assume that you must have met the ? and !! operators by now. In case you haven’t, I’d suggest that you bookmark this post and come again once you have gained a little more experience with the basics of the language.