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Introducing My New Pet Project: Should I HODL

7 minute read

My crypto-obsession from last year might have died down a little, but I still remain a long-term investor and a believer of decentralization. Moreover, it was predicting the crypto market’s next move that made dust off some of my old machine learning experiments and gave a fresh boost to my mission of becoming a data scientist. Though one could hardly hear me speak about this coin or that, I am still actively researching and building tools.

Using Travis for Secure Building and Deployment to GitHub

2 minute read

Travis is an incredibly useful tool for the open-source community. Its main purpose is to execute test suites and ensure the stability of the repository being under observation. Due to its generic execution nature, it can however be used creatively for many other tasks:

My First Machine Learning Talk

1 minute read

Yesterday, I gave my first-ever machine learning talk at a local meetup in Munich. For those who have been following my path to becoming a data scientist, this seems like something I couldn’t even imagine doing about a year ago.

How to Create a New Empty Branch for a New Project

less than 1 minute read

Sometimes, you might need branches in your git repositories, which are off the track of the main repository timeline. You want to store specific files there, and none of the original files, stored across your master and other feature branches. Luckily, git comes with an option called orphan branch. An orphan branch is basically like a store on its own, with its own history. You can delete all the existing files inside an orphan branch, and this won’t affect their state across master and other branches at...

Sixtuslauf Schliersee (Half-Marathon)

2 minute read

Yesterday, I took part in this year’s seventh edition of the Sixtuslauf at Schliersee in Bavaria. Still excited by the good tempo I managed on the track last year, I prepped up for a relatively close finish time this year, hopefully, even better. Things did not happen exactly the way I had hoped for, and as a result, my pace this year got almost a minute per km slower. Nevertheless, I am more than happy that I finished, and I am incredibly grateful to everyone who shared the run with me and cheered at th...