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TWIL Aug06-Aug12 2018

1 minute read

NOTE: TWIL (This Week I Learned) is a collection of interesting findings I discover on a week-by-week basis. Hosted and curated entirely on GitHub.

Data Science on Your iPad

7 minute read

This article is a follow-up transcription to a talk I recently gave at a local Munich machine learning meetup. Unlike my previous talk, this time I wanted to convey the idea of using an iPad for actively running data science experiments, as opposed to passively consuming information. I illustrated my point with a few example iOS applications I personally use on a daily basis, which I hope would be good starting points to get the audience interested in the idea. Being an iOS developer, who has once built ...

TWIL Jul30-Aug05 2018

6 minute read

NOTE: TWIL (This Week I Learned) is a collection of interesting findings I discover on a week-by-week basis. Hosted and curated entirely on GitHub.

21K #4 (Self-Organized)

less than 1 minute read

This morning, I finished my fourth half marathon for this year. Technically, it was all self-organised, so it does not count as a real half-marathon, but hey, I did run the distance, didn’t I?