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Revisiting IntStreams in Java8+

1 minute read

This post is mainly a reiteration of an article, I found online. As of Java 8, we have had the ability to replace looping operations on collections with streams and functional operations. This applies to situations where we don’t have an up-front collection to iterate upon.

Medium Is Turning into the Walled Garden It Did Not Want to Be

4 minute read

A few days ago, I got a question from an online friend of mine, whether to self-host his new blog, or start directly on Medium. I advised him to self-host and use Medium only for content distribution. I have always been pro writer independence, and though I have tried quite a few platforms over the years, none has really withstood the test of time. Medium makes no exception.

Xamarin Impressions

7 minute read

NOTE: The following post discusses the impressions I got with the Xamarin.iOS framework alone. It was intended to discuss only the iOS development support and not the cross-platform capabilities of the Xamarin suite. It is also worth mentioning that Xamarin.iOS has nothing to do with Xamarin.Forms, a ver different beast focusing on cross-platform development, and a point of lots of online debating.