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On Becoming a Jenkins Certified Engineer

4 minute read

A few days ago, I took and successfully passed the first ever Jenkins certification exam designed by CloudBees and administered by Prometric. My interest in DevOps, and especially continuous integration techniques had already grown significantly during the last couple of years. That’s why, when a colleague of mine sent me a link about the certification exam a few months ago, I did not hesitate, but signed up right away. This post describes my personal motivation to go through the certification, and share...

Munich Startup Meetups: Ringside Talk #2

2 minute read

It has been a whole year since I’ve moved to Munich, and the opportunities that the city offers still don’t stop surprising me. Indeed, the startup community here may not have the media hype and the vibe of its Berlin counterpart. Yet, it is growing steadily, building a strong ecosystem of new players, backed up by and learning from the success of larger enterprises. An ecosystem, where teams help, and not mindlessly copy each other. An ecosystem, where people with various backgrounds and experience meet...

Kotlin Basics: apply() and copy()

2 minute read

Without any doubt, Java is a verbose language. This verbosity of the language makes it easy to understand Java code by new programmers. It is though one of the reasons, why many Java programmers find writing Java code tedious. Kotlin brings a touch of succinctness in places, where even programmers new to Java, may find code unnecessarily over-bloated.

Example Post Formatting

2 minute read

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec sed odio dui. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.