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Testing React Native Applications Part I: Jest

4 minute read

When I started with React Native not long ago I was frustrated by the overwhelming amount of irrelevant information on how to test React applications. React is known to evolve fast, often introducing breaking changes, so this should not be surprising to most developers. Still, the amount of deprecated content out there leaves a sort of a bad feeling, especially among developers who have just started working with React or RN.

An Easter Photo Weekend with the Family

less than 1 minute read

My parents came over to Germany for Easter, and we used the quiet time for some traveling and walking around. With my OnePlus 3 always in my pocket, I snapped a few photos. For some of the them I used my favorite multiple-exposure camera app, for others, just the standard camera app with HDR turned on. I only wish the weather were one idea better, but some photos came out quite nicely, despite the rain and clouds.

Fixing the Intonation of Your Electric Guitar

2 minute read

Unknown to many hobby and amateur / semi-professional guitar players, fixing the intonation of an electric guitar is perhaps the second popular reason why your guitar sounds out of tune, besides tuning itself.