Wow, it has been quite a week! It is time for a quick photo recap.

First, a visit to Bremen, the place where I studied my Master’s and lived for five years. I hadn’t visited the place for three years, so this was quite an emotional thing. I also managed to meet friends from the good old Uni days.

Having stayed only a couple of days, I took the train to Utrecht, The Netherlands, where I stayed at a friend’s house and used Utrecht as my base point during the two days of KotlinConf. Utrecht is a great place to live, because it is quiet and peaceful, but large enough that you won’t ever miss a thing. At the same time, its proximity to Amsterdam (a 25 min train ride) makes it a perfect residence for many commuters working in Amsterdam.

During one of the days, we checked an exhibition depicting the history of music-making machines.

We also traveled up north to Enkhuizen, a small seaside town that hosts a unique open museum. The museum depicts the life of the Dutch people between the 19th and 20th century.

But the journey does not stop here. The following couple of days, I took the early train to Amsterdam, where I attended this year’s KotlinConf conference. KotlinConf is quite a thing and deserves its own separate post. For now, I would just note that it was great to meet so many people in person, many of which I follow online, and whose work I greatly admire. It was a great forum.

Only a day after my return to Munich, I visited a concert by Maluma, a Colombian reggaeton singer, who, as I heard from my fiancée, is quite the thing these days. Long story short, I went with her and wasn’t disappointed. I have to admit, despite his music being directed at ladies (who represented roughly 80% of the audience yesterday) the guy is quite a good performer.

So this was, in short, my crazy week on the road. I did not manage to run while on the go, but I walked quite significantly. According to my watch, I have managed to walk between 13km and 14km per day, on average. Today, I topped the distance with a 10km run.

That said, the week is finally about to end.

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